During the American Civil War, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania played a critical role in the Union, providing a huge supply of military manpower, equipment, and leadership to the Federal blogger.com state raised over , soldiers for the Federal armies, and served as a major source of artillery guns, small arms, ammunition, armor for the new revolutionary style of ironclad types of The Valley of the Shadow is an electronic archive of two communities in the American Civil War--Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennyslvania. The Valley Web site includes searchable newspapers, population census data, agricultural census data, manufacturing census data, slaveowner census data, and tax records. The Valley Web site also contains letters and diaries, images, maps In a very real way, he started the American Civil War. Born in in upcountry South Carolina, Calhoun grew up during the boom in the area’s cotton economy. The son of a successful farmer who served in public office, Calhoun went to New Haven, Connecticut, in to attend Yale College
Pennsylvania in the American Civil War - Wikipedia
During the American Civil Waramerican civil war essay, music played a prominent role on both sides of the conflict, Union the North and Confederate the South. On the battlefield, different instruments including buglesdrumsand fifes were played to issue marching orders or sometimes simply to boost the morale of one's fellow soldiers.
Singing was also employed not only as a recreational activity but as a release from the inevitable tensions that come with fighting in a war. In camp, music was a diversion away from the bloodshed, helping the soldiers deal with homesickness and boredom. Soldiers of both sides often engaged in recreation with musical instruments, and when the opposing armies were near each other, sometimes the bands from both sides of the conflict played against each other on the night before a battle.
Each side had its particular favorite tunes, while some music was enjoyed by Northerners and Southerners alike, as exemplified by United States President Abraham Lincoln 's love of " Dixie ", the unofficial anthem of the Confederacy. To this day, many of the songs are sung when a patriotic piece is required.
The war's music also inspired music artists such as Lynyrd Skynyrd and Elvis Presley. The Civil War was an important period in the development of American music. During the Civil War, when soldiers from across the country commingled, the multifarious strands of American music began to cross-fertilize each other, a process that was aided by the burgeoning railroad industry and other technological developments that made travel and communication easier.
Army units included individuals from across the country, and they rapidly traded tunes, instruments, and techniques. The songs that arose from this fusion were "the first American folk music with discernible features that can be considered unique to America". John Tasker Howard has claimed that the songs from this era "could be arranged in proper sequence to form an actual history of the conflicts: its events, its principal characters, and the ideals and principles of the opposing sides".
In addition to, and in conjunction with, popular songs with patriotic fervor, the Civil War era also produced a great body of brass band pieces, from both the North and the South, [3] as well as other military musical traditions like the bugle call " Taps ". In Maythe United States War Department officially approved that every regiment of infantry and artillery could have a brass band with 24 members, while a cavalry regiment could have one american civil war essay sixteen members.
The Confederate army would also have brass bands. This was followed by a Union army regulation of July requiring every infantry, artillery, or cavalry company to have two musicians and for there to be a twenty-four man band for every regiment. In July the brass bands of the Union were disassembled by the adjutant general, although the soldiers that comprised them were sometimes re-enlisted and assigned to musician roles. Union general Philip Sheridan gave his cavalry bands the best horses and special uniforms, believing "Music has done its share, and more than its share, in winning this war".
Musicians on the battlefield were drummers and buglersamerican civil war essay, with an occasional fifer. Buglers had to learn forty-nine separate calls just for infantry, with more needed for cavalry. These ranged from battle commands to calls for meal time. The most notable of these under aged musicians was John Clemalso known as "Johnny Shiloh".
Union drummers wore white straps to support their american civil war essay. The drum and band majors wore baldrics to indicate their status; after the war, this style would be emulated in civilian bands. Drummers would march to the right of a marching column. Similar to buglers, drummers had to learn 39 different beats: fourteen for general use, and 24 for marching cadence. However, buglers were given greater importance than drummers. Whole songs were sometimes played during battles, american civil war essay.
The survivors of the disastrous Pickett's Charge returned under the tune " Nearer My God to Thee ". Heintzelmanthe commander of the III Corpssaw many of his musicians standing at the back lines at the Battle of Williamsburgand ordered them to play anything.
It was said that music american civil war essay the equivalent of "a thousand men" on one's side. Robert E. Lee himself said, "I don't think we could have an army without music. Sometimes, musicians were ordered to leave the battlefront and assist the surgeons.
One notable time was the 20th Maine 's musicians at Little Round Top. As the rest of the regiment were driving back wave after wave of Confederates, the musicians of the regiment were not just performing amputationsbut doing it in a very quick manner. Many soldiers brought musical instruments from home to pass the time at camp. Banjosfiddlesand guitars were particularly popular. Aside from drums, american civil war essay, the instruments Confederates played were either acquired before the war or imported, due to the lack of brass and the industry to american civil war essay such instruments.
Musical duels between the two sides were common, as they heard each other as the music traveled across the countryside.
The night before the Battle of Stones Riverbands from both sides dueled with separate songs until both sides started playing " Home! Sweet Home! On a cold afternoon, a Union band started playing Northern patriotic tunes; a Southern band responded by playing Southern patriotic tunes. This back and forth continued into the night, until at the end both sides played "Home!
Both sides sang " Maryland, My Maryland ", although the lyrics were slightly different. Another popular song for both was " Lorena ". The first song was written for the war, " The First Gun Is Fired ", was first published and distributed three days after the Battle of Fort Sumter. George F. Rootwho wrote it, is said to have produced the most songs of anyone about the war, over thirty in total. The southern states had long lagged behind northern states in producing common literature.
With the advent of war, Southern publishers were in demand. These publishers, american civil war essay largely in five cities Charleston, South Carolina ; Macon, Georgia ; Mobile, Alabama ; Nashville, Tennessee ; and New OrleansLouisianaproduced five times more printed music than they did literature. In the Confederate States of America, " God Save the South " was the official national anthem. However, " Dixie " was the american civil war essay popular.
Lincoln said, "That tune is now Federal property good to show the rebels that, american civil war essay, with us in power, they will be free to hear it again. The United States did not have a national anthem at this time " The Star-Spangled Banner " would not be recognized as such until the twentieth century. Union soldiers frequently sang the " Battle Cry of Freedom ", and the " Battle Hymn of the Republic " was considered the north's most popular song.
Music sung by African-Americans changed during the war. The theme of escape from bondage became especially important in spirituals sung by blacks, both by slaves singing among themselves on plantations and for free and recently freed blacks singing to white audiences. New versions of songs such as "Hail Mary", " Michael Row the Boat Ashore ", and " Go Down Moses " emphasized the message of freedom and the rejection of slavery. The first was the publishing of sheet music to "Go Down Moses" by Reverend L.
Lockwood in December based on his experience with escaped slaves in Fort Monroe, Virginia, in September of that year, american civil war essay. Inamerican civil war essay, the Continental Monthly published a sampling of spirituals from South Carolina in an american civil war essay titled, "Under the Palmetto".
The white colonel of the all-black First South CarolinaThomas Wentworth Higginsonnoted that when blacks knew that whites were listening, they changed the way they were sung, and historian Christian McWhiter noted that African Americans "used their music to reshape white perceptions and foster a new image of black culture as thriving american civil war essay ready for freedom". When the Emancipation Proclamation was passed, american civil war essay, a celebration was held, and american civil war essay a surprise to white onlookers, contrabands began singing the anthem, using the song to express their new status.
Work's "Kingdom Coming", [30] and as the war continued, the lyrics African Americans sung changed, with vagueness and coded language dropped and including open expressions of their new roles as soldiers and citizens. Slave owners in the south responded by restricting singing on plantations and imprisoning singers of songs supporting emancipation or the North. Several Confederate regimental bands included slaves, and Confederates arranged slaves to sing and dance to show how happy they were.
Slave performer Thomas Greene Bethuneknown as Blind Tom, frequently played pro-Confederate songs such as "Maryland, My Maryland" and "Dixie" and dropped, "Yankee Doodle" from his performances. Although certain songs were identified with one particular side of the war, sometimes the other would adapt the song for their use. A Southern revision of "The Star-Spangled Banner" was american civil war essay, entitled "The Southern Cross".
In an example of the different lyrics, american civil war essay, where the "Banner" had "O say does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave", the "Cross" had "'Tis the Cross of the South, which shall ever remain". Hurrah, boys, hurrah! Down with the traitor, up with the star" being changed to "Our Dixie forever! She's never at a loss! Down with the eagle and up with the cross! The Union also adapted Southern songs, american civil war essay. In a Union variation of "Dixie", instead of the line "I wish I was in the land of cottonold times there are not forgotten, Look away, look away, look away, Dixie Land", it was changed to "Away down South in the land of traitors, Rattlesnakes and alligatorsRight away, come away, right away, come away".
It was sung to the tune of "Glory, Hallelujah" and was later used by Julia Ward Howe for her famous poem, "Battle Hymn of the Republic". The music derived from this war was of greater quantity and variety than from any other war involving America. The Southern rock style of music has often used the Confederate Battle Flag as a symbol of the musical style.
A ballad from the war, " Aura Lee ", would become the basis of the song " Love Me Tender " by Elvis Presley. Presley also sang " An American Trilogy ", which was described as "smoothing" out " All My Trials ", the "Battle Hymn of the Republic", and "Dixie" of its divisions, although "Dixie" still dominated the piece.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History of the United States. Military Postal Diplomatic Expansionist Religious Industrial Feminist Music. Music of the United States. Colonial era to the Civil War During the Civil War Late 19th century — s s s s s s s. Native American : Arapaho Blackfeet Inuit Iroquois Kiowa Navajo Pueblo Seminole Sioux Yuman English : Old-time music Western music Latin : Tejano Puerto Rican African American Irish and Scottish Cajun and Creole Hawaii Other immigrants.
Traditional Blackface song. American Civil War. Timeline leading to the War Bleeding Kansas Border states Compromise of John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry Kansas-Nebraska Act Lincoln—Douglas debates Missouri Compromise Nullification crisis Origins of the American Civil War Panic of Popular sovereignty Secession South Carolina Declaration of Secession States' rights President Lincoln's 75, volunteers.
African Americans Cornerstone Speech Dred Scott v. Sandford Emancipation Proclamation Fire-Eaters Fugitive slave laws Plantations in the American South Positive good Slave Power Slavery in the United States Treatment of slaves in the United States Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Abolitionism in the United States Susan B. Anthony James G. Birney John Brown Frederick Douglass William Lloyd Garrison Lane Debates on Slavery Elijah Parish Lovejoy J, american civil war essay.
Analyzing Marvel Studios' Best Scene
, time: 15:39Railroads In The Civil War: Map And Facts (North vs South)
Oct 29, · Reconstruction, the turbulent era following the U.S. Civil War, was an effort to reunify the divided nation, address and integrate African Americans into society by rewriting the nation's laws and The Valley of the Shadow is an electronic archive of two communities in the American Civil War--Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennyslvania. The Valley Web site includes searchable newspapers, population census data, agricultural census data, manufacturing census data, slaveowner census data, and tax records. The Valley Web site also contains letters and diaries, images, maps The Confederacy's lack of such infrastructure was further compounded by its inability to effectively harness the iron horse for military purposes as historian John P. Hankey articulately points out in his excellent essay from the March, issue of Trains Magazine entitled, "The Railroad War: How The Iron Road Changed The American Civil War
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