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Course Title: International Air and Aviation Law Course Code: LMF Prepared For: Prepared By: Sayef Amin ID No. Table of Contents: Introduction Definition of Offence Background of Convention Law assignment of Convention Compliance and Enforcement Main Aim and Objective of Convention Offence and Jurisdiction of Tokyo Convention International Offence in Air Hijacking protected rules and regulation by Tokyo Convention Requirements of jurisdiction of Convention Crimes against aircraft Jurisdiction-Article 3 of the Tokyo convention, Jurisdictional problems Civil and Criminal Jurisdiction Case Study The State Obligation of Offence in Aircraft Reservations Accession or succession Relation law assignment Tokyo Convention, and the Montreal Convention Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft Conclusion Bibliography 2 3.
Assignment On: Tokyo Convention: Offences, Jurisdiction Include law assignment 3 4. Introduction: The Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraft, commonly called the Tokyo Convention, is an law assignment treaty, concluded at Tokyo on 14 September It entered into force on 4 Decemberand as of has been ratified by parties.
The Convention is applicable to offences against penal law and to any acts jeopardizing the safety of persons or property on board civilian aircraft while in-flight and engaged in international air navigation. Coverage includes the commission of or the intention to commit offences and certain other acts on board aircraft registered in a Contracting State in-flight over the high seas and any other areas beyond the territory of any State in addition to the airspace belonging to any Contracting State, law assignment.
Criminal jurisdiction may be exercised by Contracting States other than the State of Registry under limited conditions, when the exercise of jurisdiction is required under multilateral international obligations, in the interest of national security, and so forth.
The Convention, law assignment, for the first time in the history of international aviation law, recognizes certain powers and immunities of the aircraft commander who on international flights may restrain any person s he has reasonable cause to believe is committing or is about to commit an offence liable to interfere with the safety of persons or property on board or who law assignment jeopardizing good order and discipline.
In strictly domestic cases the Convention does not have application and acts and offences committed in the airspace of the State of Registry are excluded except when the point of departure or intended landing lies outside that State, or the aircraft enters into the airspace of a State other than the State of Registry as for example on a domestic flight which traverses the boundary of another State.
Definition of the offences: Although each convention requires the parties to legislate for the offences defined in it, many will already be crimes under existing law, law assignment, such as 4 5. murder, causing explosions, Kidnapping, law assignment. Background of Convention: The International Civil Aviation Organization was established in by the Chicago Convention to insure the safe and orderly growth of international civil aviation.
The ICAO accomplishes this primarily through the development and promulgation of standards and recommended practices SARPS. The ICAO has also developed a number of international conventions to address specific security concerns.
Although the first hijack attempt on a commercial aircraft occurred inthe first real wave of hijackings began around when individuals hijacked aircraft as a means to divert them from Cuba to the United States.
Afterthe direction of the hijackings reversed and there was a wave of diversions of aircraft from the United States to Cuba. To prevent aircraft diversions, law assignment, the Legal Committee of the ICAO met in Rome in to draft a convention on the subject of crimes committed on board an air-craft in international flight.
This draft was submitted to the States of the world for comment and diplomatic conference was convened in for final approval. Provisions of Convention: This Convention applies to offenses against penal law and to acts law assignment, whether offenses or not, affect in-flight safety of persons or property or jeopardize the discipline on board civilian aircraft.
It covers offenses or acts committed on board any civilian aircraft registered in a State Party, while the aircraft is in flight or on the surface of the high seas or any other area outside the territory of any State, law assignment. A State Party, other than the State of registration of the aircraft, may not exercise criminal jurisdiction except when the offense has a direct impact on its territory, citizens, or residents; security; flight rules and regulations; or when the exercise of jurisdiction is called for under a multilateral international agreement, law assignment.
This Convention does not apply in strictly domestic cases and excludes acts or offenses committed in the airspace of the State where the aircraft is registered, unless the point of take- off or intended landing point is outside that State, law assignment. Compliance and Enforcement: The Convention authorizes the aircraft commander to impose reason-able measures, including restraint, on any person he or she has reason to believe has committed or is about to commit such an act, when necessary to protect the safety of the aircraft and for related reasons; requires contracting States to take custody of offenders and to return control of the aircraft to the lawful commander Main Aim and Objective of Convention: The Convention aims to provide safety to aircraft, protection of life and law assignment on board aircraft and generally to promote the security of civil aviation.
A wide range of powers are granted to the aircraft commander, members of the crew and passengers with the sole aim to constitute international unified rules which would give the commander of every aircraft in law assignment world the power to preserve good order and law assignment on board the aircraft and to take all preventive measures or measures of restraint necessary to that end. This power can be considered as a means to secure the maintenance of law and order on board the aircraft: the power to arrest, law assignment, disembark and law assignment to competent authorities of contracting states, any person committing or attempting to commit an offence or any act which jeopardizes the safety of aircraft, persons or goods on board, or threatens to create disorder on board.
As a corollary, the Convention grants a limited measure of immunity to the persons acting under the circumstances and conditions described in the Convention, law assignment.
Therefore, this protection was given in order to encourage the crew of an aircraft to fight the unlawful acts and offences considered by the Convention. Through the various stages of the drafting history of the Tokyo Convention, the participants had been aware of its intended purpose to create a uniform law applicable to offences on board aircraft. This purpose could not possibly be achieved if the state of the victim, the state of the offender, law assignment, the state of first landing and so forth, were not also recognized as being competent to exercise jurisdiction in addition to the state of registration of the aircraft.
Hence, it is submitted that the Convention recognizes the jurisdiction of the state of registration of the aircraft to the exclusion of all others, except the territorial state, under certain conditions where jurisdiction may be concurrent, although this is not expressly stated in he Convention. The Convention does not prescribe specific offences but rather relies upon offences as codified under national law and it applies to acts which, whether offences or not, affect the in-flight safety of persons or property or jeopardize the discipline on board a civil aircraft.
The Convention does not oblige a law assignment state to punish an alleged offender upon his disembarkation or delivery. Actually, the state of landing must set him free law assignment let him proceed to the destination of his choice as soon as practicable if it does not wish to extradite or prosecute him.
Contracting states may extradite the offenders, if at all, only under the provisions of other treaties between the law assignment states, law assignment. The failure to provide machinery for mandatory extradition, law assignment, if prosecution was not pursued in the landing state, is considered a law assignment deficiency of the Tokyo Convention. International Offence in Air: The inadequacy of the Tokyo Convention and the increase in the number of hijackings law assignment in the need to define the act of hijacking and recognize it as an international offence, led the ICAO Assembly adopting a resolution on the subject matter and to seek an appropriate legal framework to deal with the offence.
As result, the ICAO Council by its resolution of December referred legal law assignment of the problem of unlawful seizure of aircraft law assignment the Legal Committee. On 1 December a draft Convention was submitted to an ICAO conference at The Hague, attended by 77 States, and law assignment adopted on 16 December This Convention made significant contributions to the effort law assignment the international community to law assignment the unlawful seizure of aircraft and to remove the threat caused to international civil aviation.
It covers both international and domestic flights; it gives a specific definition of hijacking of aircraft and it includes as well the threat to undertake such an act as an offence, although this is limited to a threat made on board an aircraft in- flight. Moreover, the Convention grants every contracting state the power to exercise jurisdiction over a hijacker if such states are affected by an offence committed under the Convention, thus making it impossible for the hijacker to escape the normal process of the law.
Hijacking protected rules and regulation by Tokyo Convention: Unlawful seizure is the legal name that states at the international level have given to aircraft hijacking.
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Aug 31, · Assignment On: Tokyo Convention: Offences, Jurisdiction (Include cases) 3. 4. Introduction: The Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed On Board Aircraft, commonly called the Tokyo Convention, is an international treaty, concluded at Tokyo on 14 September It entered into force on 4 December , and as of has been May 21, · Law assignments, in general, have three major types - case notes (including a case summary and/or essay analysis) advice on possible solutions to a legal problem, e.g. legal memos, letters of advice, problem questions; research essays and policy papers; These three types have distinctive features which affect your examiner’s expectations, so it's important to be familiar with each type of Author: Clinton Bell Jul 15, · Assignment Services for You. Law courses primarily focus on the development of skills of a student for professional practice. A lawyer needs to excel in legal research and reasoning, legal drafting and writing, dispute resolution, oral communication, advocacy and legal professionalism. Whether a student is pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s program, one needs to embed integrated skills and professionalism in the degree and focus on the core legal skills essential to the practice of blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins
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