Aug 12, · The extended abstract must contain the necessary level of theoretical and methodical evaluations related to the work on the doctoral degree as long as this is not outlined and discussed in articles in the dissertation. The extended abstract shall also indicate where to locate definitions or detailed explanations of individual subjects within the dissertation Tim Scharks, PhD Sunday, July 31, Dissertation Extended Abstract Threatening Messages in Climate Change Communication: Dissertation Summary. Tim Scharks, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington. Climate change will have disastrous consequences if left unchecked. Climate change communication represents a The maximum file size of your extended abstract should be MB or less, including figures, tables, and graphics. Extended abstracts should be at least three pages, but not more than five pages in length. If your extended abstract exceeds the file size limit, try converting your original file to a PDF format before submitting it to compress the size of the file
Post a Comment. Tim Scharks, PhD. Sunday, July 31, Dissertation Extended Abstract. Threatening Messages in Climate Change Communication: Dissertation Summary. Tim Scharks, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington. Climate change will have disastrous consequences if left extended abstract phd thesis. Climate change communication represents a means to encourage conservation behavior and support for climate mitigation policies.
One form of communication is to present a threat in an effort to persuade; such threatening messages are often called fear appeals, extended abstract phd thesis. The use extended abstract phd thesis fear appeals in climate change communication is oft-discussed but little studied, extended abstract phd thesis.
This dissertation applies a popular model of fear appeals, the Extended Parallel Process Model, extended abstract phd thesis, to examine threatening messages in climate change communication. The first chapter examines the use of threats and efficacy messages in advertisements published in The New York Times, The Times Londonand The Economist UK Edition from to the end of in a quantitative content analysis.
While journalistic coverage of climate change has been frequently studied, this chapter is the first systematic examination of climate change-relevant advertising. It finds about half of extended abstract phd thesis ads contained a mention of a threat, but, different from many other studies of persuasive public communications, threats were frequently paired with efficacy messages.
This helps to explain the observed polarization of views over climate science and mitigation policy. Reactance suppresses support for climate mitigation policy: The net effect of a threatening communication on policy support at first appeared to be zero. This finding helps to explain some of the continued polarization of views on climate science and climate change. In a revealed preference element of the experiment, reactance also suppressed donation behavior to both liberal and conservative causes.
Finally, a third chapter examines the role of psychological distance how closely climate change is perceived and collective efficacy the belief everyone can work together on mitigation policy support in a climate change fear appeal, extended abstract phd thesis. The experiment gives evidence that left-leaning respondents increased their policy support with closer psychological distance an image of an American city vs.
a city in the Philippines. Strong correlations between collective efficacy beliefs and policy support imply collective efficacy messages should increase policy support. Yet ads with a collective efficacy message decreased mitigation policy support among right-leaning respondents.
In sum, this dissertation has several policy implications: threatening ads have been used in English-language print media, they may serve to polarize audiences further by moving right-leaning readers farther away from mitigation policy support, and threatening messages should be considered with caution, especially through pilot testing for reactance and other unintended effects.
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How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper
, time: 7:29The maximum file size of your extended abstract should be MB or less, including figures, tables, and graphics. Extended abstracts should be at least three pages, but not more than five pages in length. If your extended abstract exceeds the file size limit, try converting your original file to a PDF format before submitting it to compress the size of the file Tim Scharks, PhD Sunday, July 31, Dissertation Extended Abstract Threatening Messages in Climate Change Communication: Dissertation Summary. Tim Scharks, Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington. Climate change will have disastrous consequences if left unchecked. Climate change communication represents a • The doctoral candidate must be the sole author of the extended abstract (‘kappe’). • The extended abstract should have a length of 50– pages ( words). • The extended abstract should provide an account of the internal cohesion of the thes is and ensure that the thesis constitutes a single consistent whole. • The contribution of the thesis to the research area should be clarified
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