Masters Program Requirements Professional Engineer (PE) License PhD Program Requirements PhD Examinations Comprehensive Examination Thesis Proposal Examination Research and Dissertation Defense Research Advanced Infrastructure Systems Environmental Engineering, Sustainability, and A sampling of their research is described in the Center for Environmental Design Research Projects list. The Program. The blogger.com program provides students seeking their first accredited professional degree with a comprehensive and challenging education leading to the practice of architecture Agricultural and Environmental Education (MAEE) MAEE develops professionals to lead, teach and communicate about food, environmental and social systems. Thesis and non-thesis options are available, and the program is available online or in person on the Athens and Tifton campuses
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How can psychology help us understand and solve environmental and energy-related problems? How can we motivate and empower people to act pro-environmentally and adapt to a changing environment? Questions like these are addressed in the Master programme 'Environmental psychology'. The programme focuses on the interactions between humans and their environment. You will acquire theoretical knowledge and methodological skills to understand environmental education masters thesis address the human dimension of environmental and energy-related problems.
The program is taught by the world-leading Environmental Psychology group at the University of Groningen. The expertise gained in this master is essential in attempts to limit global climate change and its negative impacts, and adapt successfully to the consequences of climate change.
Governments and companies seek advice from environmental psychologists to understand environmental education masters thesis human dimension of sustainable development, and leading journals, such as Naturestress the importance of the social sciences for solving environmental and energy-related problems.
This master will equip you for job opportunities that focus on finding effective and acceptable societal solutions to these problems. The master program Environmental Psychology equips you with the theoretical knowledge and methodological skills to understand the human dimension of environmental and energy-related problems.
Furthermore, it provides you with the expertise to develop effective and societally acceptable solutions for these problems. The program introduces you to the main theories in the course Environmental Psychology. Further, you will learn how to design and evaluate interventions to improve environmental quality in the course 'Designing Interventions'.
In the course 'Advanced Topics in Environmental Psychology', you will become an expert on a self-chosen topic within the field of Environmental Psychology. Finally, 'Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Environmental education masters thesis teaches you to integrate your obtained knowledge with perspectives from other disciplines to better understand and address the complexity of environmental and energy-related problems All courses are 5 Environmental education masters thesis. Throughout the year, you will be working on your individual master thesis 20 EC and internship 10 ECin which you environmental education masters thesis work on your own research project.
You will have the opportunity to be involved in collaborations with other universities, governmental agencies, companies and NGOs. Also you will choose a methodological course 5 EC in which you learn advanced research methods in Environmental Psychology, and follow an elective course 5 EC to tailor the program to your interests and ambitions.
We recommend you to take all the courses as indicated in the programme schedule. Starting the program in September is the default, but you can start in February too.
If you environmental education masters thesis interested in writing part of your master thesis abroad, you can discuss this with the master thesis coordinator, environmental education masters thesis. In that case, you will be co-supervised by researchers from the university you visit.
Our group collaborates with scholars from all over the world. Bachelor students meet language requirements. For English-taught tracks, students with an HBO Toegepaste Psychologie need to provide evidence of satisfactory results for one of the standard tests.
With a regular Bachelor's degree in Psychology from a Dutch university, you are directly admissible. You can also be admitted to the pre master's with a Bachelor's degree other than Psychology from a Dutch university, a Bachelor's degree from an academic foreign university or a Bachelor's degree in Applied Psychology from a Dutch HBO institute.
Please find the exact admission requirements and information about application and selection per previous education on the pages 'Application, admission and selection pre master Psychology'. The application procedure depends on prior education. The number of master and pre-master places is limited: if there are more applications than places, selection will take place. Please read the specifics for your previous education on the Application, admission and selection pre master Psychology.
Non-native English speakers must moreover provide evidence of satisfactory results for one of the standard tests. Please find the exact admission requirements and information about application and selection per previous education on the pages 'Application and Admission Master Psychology'. There is an increasing demand from practitioners and policy makers to understand the human dimension of sustainable development. Technical solution alone cannot solve environmental problems: Behavioural changes are required and sustainable policies and innovations need to be accepted and adopted by the public.
This Master will prepare you for job opportunities in science and practice that focus on finding effective and societally acceptable solutions to environmental and energy-related problems.
The Environmental Psychology group at the University of Groningen is a world leader in the field. The chair of the group, prof. Linda Environmental education masters thesis is among the world's most highly cited social scientists.
Inshe was awarded the NWO Stevin price, environmental education masters thesis, the highest honour in Dutch science, for the work of the environmental psychology group. You will have the opportunity to join environmental education masters thesis research projects, collaborating with other disciplines, environmental education masters thesis, practitioners, and experts from all over the world.
Linda Steg KNAW member Expertise: understanding environmental behaviour including energy use and car use; acceptability and effectiveness of environmental policy; values; intrinsic motivation Course: Environmental Psychology. Ellen van der Werff Master theses coordinator Expertise: pro-environmental behaviour; interventions to promote pro-environmental behaviour; policy acceptability and effectiveness; environmental self-identity Course: Designing interventions.
Goda Perlaviciute Coordinator Master Environmental Psychology Expertise: public evaluations and acceptability of energy sources, systems and policies Course: Advanced topics in Environmental Psychology. Lise Jans Coordinator Master Environmental Psychology Expertise: T he role of group processes in environmental issues, attitudes, and behaviours Course: Working in interdisciplinary teams.
Further research is being conducted, but my research has already been important for Groninger Landschap. Environmental education masters thesis have conducted research for Groninger Landschap on the effects of environmental education. They have been delivering nature lessons in schools for a long time with the aim of enthusing children about nature and the environment, and they wondered if these lessons were working. Do the children just have fun, or do the lessons actually encourage more sustainable behaviour?
Environmental psychology tells us that whether people behave in an environmentally conscious manner depends on the values that are important to them: egotistic, hedonistic, altruistic or biospheric values. Everyone holds all these values, but to varying degrees. The problem is that they are often very difficult to change, especially in adults.
In children, environmental education masters thesis, these values are still developing, environmental education masters thesis, so it is possible to influence them.
I researched this in children aged from 9 to 13 years, and it turns out the nature lessons do indeed have an effect. Children hold stronger biospheric values after the lessons than beforehand environmental education masters thesis, in the short term, behaved in more environmentally conscious ways. Further research is being conducted, but this research has already been important for Groninger Landschap.
It confirms that what they do really works, and that provides encouragement to keep going. The products are still in development, environmental education masters thesis, but thanks to my research CirTec now knows how to go about bringing them to the market, environmental education masters thesis. I did my final research in collaboration with CirTec, environmental education masters thesis, a business based in Purmerend. They work to reduce waste and recover valuable raw materials.
My research looked at how willing people are to buy and use products made from cellulose — from recycled toilet paper, that is to say. This material can be used to make new and sustainable products but the question is whether people want to buy them and whether they still want to if they know what they are made from. I looked specifically at biospheric and hedonistic values. People with strong biospheric values think it is important to behave in an environmentally friendly way, whereas people with strong hedonistic values put comfort and pleasure first.
I also considered environmental education masters thesis the product is presented and how CirTec can ensure that their products appeal to people with different values.
That said, people sometimes need reminding of their biospheric values, and you can achieve that by presenting a product as being environmentally friendly.
Regardless of how they are presented, environmental education masters thesis, the products do not appear to put off people with stronger hedonistic values.
I previously did not know environmental education masters thesis field that combined environmental studies and sustainability with psychology.
My name is Annika Handreke, 24, and I started studying the Master Environmental Psychology in September When I heard about the Master of Environmental Psychology in Groningen, I was immediately intrigued and excited, as I previously did not know a field that combined environmental studies and sustainability with psychology.
I think the courses are a nice mix of more research-oriented subjects, environmental education masters thesis, where we learn to critically think about theories and how to advance them, and subjects with a strong practical focus.
Course subjects range from giving a broad overview of environmental psychology towards examining practical and theoretical problems in great depth. All courses are designed to be very engaging and interactive, which challenges you to think along and not only to listen. In the future, I would like to work as an advisor on environmental issues, for an NGO, company, or the government.
I am looking forward to using my knowledge of psychology to advise decision makers on how to effectively raise awareness about environmental problems and solutions, and on how to better implement interventions towards sustainability. This master enables me to bring my knowledge of psychology into practice and apply it to important, urgent matters such as climate change and sustainable energy transition.
My name is Ruben Mul and I'm following the Master's programme in Environmental Psychology. This field focuses on the interaction between humans and their environment. I am particularly interested in how people influence their living environment, environmental education masters thesis. How can we encourage people to make more environmentally friendly choices? The Master's in Environmental Psychology teaches us to develop and apply theories to explain and change people's eco-behaviour, environmental education masters thesis, a topic that is now more important than ever.
What I liked most about Environmental Psychology was that the lecturers were very passionate about and committed to the topic. We follow theoretical course units as well as course units where we learn to apply theory.
We only have one exam, and apart from that we have to complete lots of papers and projects. I like how this enables us to delve more deeply into the subject matter. It also sometimes means you have to spend a long time on an assignment. This means that we have rather informal contact with the lecturers. I am an assistant professor in Environmental Psychology, which means I do both teaching and research in this field.
A significant part of my work is coordinating the Environmental Psychology Master's track. This is a new programme, which is very exciting. I also teach a course unit for this programme: Advanced Topics in Environmental psychology, environmental education masters thesis.
During this course unit, students select a theory or topic and they perform an in-depth investigation, they become an expert in that topic. These theories or topics can be selected from the contents of other course units or students can select them themselves. Examples include what motivates people to act in an environmentally friendly way, or what motivates public acceptability of energy projects.
What makes this track interesting is the balance between theory and practice. Theory can be directly applied to solve practical problems. It also addresses very important social issues, for example public acceptability of gas production which causes earthquakes in the north of the Netherlands or the adoption of electric vehicles. Environmental psychology is a rapidly growing field with its own theory and research methods. Its theoretical and practical relevance is enormous, given the acute environmental challenges we are currently facing.
A Better Approach to Environmental Education - Sean Cain - TEDxEdUHK
, time: 13:33Master of Science in Civil Engineering | UW Civil & Environmental Engineering

Agricultural and Environmental Education (MAEE) MAEE develops professionals to lead, teach and communicate about food, environmental and social systems. Thesis and non-thesis options are available, and the program is available online or in person on the Athens and Tifton campuses Furthermore, I was encouraged to join ongoing projects from faculty members, assist in research and attend lab meetings of the research groups in the department. I did a traineeship, literature studies and my master's thesis to specialise in Environmental Psychology COVID Temporary changes to ELP testing and GPA assessment. UCalgary is making temporary changes to English Language Proficiency testing requirements and GPA calculations
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